Exhibitors make the show!
Thank you for your interest in bringing a display.
• Exhibitor entrance is at the south end of the grounds
• Many of the displays arrive starting noon Wednesday prior to the show.
• 2 weekend wrist bands per a display of 1 or more items registered under a person’s name. (Item could be tractor, engine, vintage car/truck, chainsaw, etc) standard admission fee for each additional persons ($10/day, $20/weekend)
• Exhibitor Personal Transport Vehicles can register at gate and must follow all Cart Rules.
• Cars and trucks are not allowed in display areas during show hours. Park outside grounds.
• Vehicle Gate closed during show hours 8AM-5PM and only walk in available! You can always exit.
• Filling out the online exhibitor form beforehand reduces entry time. – Fill the form our and email back to ‘exhibitor@badgersteamandgas.com‘
• As an exhibitor you can register to camp on the grounds.